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Mindful Customer Experience
An IOSM Certificate Course

Brilliant Customer Service

The experience of service is fundamental to business success. Customer-facing representatives are on the front line of any organization, and the quality of their interpersonal skills and problem-solving competencies are of critical importance to the enterprise. Mindfulness helps you project a positive and energetic cultural voice, with a high baseline of social and emotional intelligence. It enables you to focus more attentively, listen more carefully, and solve problems more strategically. 

Building Relationships

Client-facing roles are built on positivity, enthusiasm, empathy and other relationship-building, problem-solving and communications competencies. Mindfulness strengthens the mental qualities (once thought to be immutable traits), that comprise them. It is a neural training process that develops mental strength, cognitive performance and emotional intelligence. It unlocks motivation and initiative, enables relationship-building and rapport, and enables the clarity and confidence to influence others. 

Kindness, Care and Empathy

Today’s science-based mindfulness is a completely secular, proven neural process that quiets, calms and focuses the mind; reduces stress and distraction; and improves health, happiness, cognitive performance and emotional intelligence. It is an exercise program for the brain -  and a simple, minutes-a-day practice that changes mindsets, increases interest and curiosity, cultivates kindness, care and empathy, and improves relationships at home and at work. 

Course Contents
IOSM Certificate courses blend live instruction with self-paced learning, daily practice, unlimited group coaching and community support


Pre-and-post course assessments

Master Class

Live, instructor-led master class


8 weekly self-study lessons 


8 weekly progress exam-lets

Daily Practice

8 weeks of daily email videos


8 optional coaching sessions

Final Exam

A comprehensive final exam


Certificate and digital badge 

Associate Access 

IOSM resources, tools and events

Lifetime Access

IOSM Global Alumni Community

Anytime Help

Phone, chat, text and email support


SHRM & HRCI recertification credits

Dates & Registration

Course Objectives

IOSM Certificate courses blend live instruction with self-paced learning, daily practice, 
unlimited group coaching and community support

Personal Performance

Manage stress, anxiety, and distraction

motivation and engagement

Increase motivation and engagement

Performance Capabilities

Project authenticity and trustworthiness


Create attunement and rapport


Increase clarity and situational awareness


Develop self-awareness and confidence

self-knowledge and insight

Increase self-knowledge and insight


Strengthen emotional regulation

Increase focus, attention and concentration

creativity and problem-solving skills

Improve creativity and problem-solving skills

unconscious behaviors

Overcome unconscious behaviors

Self Reflection

Challenge unconscious beliefs and biases

Critical Thinking

Improve critical thinking and decision skills


Improve communication skills

negotiation and persuasion skills

Improve negotiation and persuasion skills

mental toughness

Develop toughness, grit and resilience

Course Outline

Public courses offer the eight weeks of self-study below. Corporate programs may be customized by changing the length of the course, or swapping any modules with alternative classes from the library.

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Week 1: Introduction to Mindfulness

Three decades of research in neuroscience and cognitive psychology have proven that the mind can change the brain and body — and mindfulness is the neural process that proves it. This class is a comprehensive introduction to the nature, science, outcomes and practice of modern mindfulness. 

You will learn:

  • The context of modern mindfulness

  • The basic neuroscience and psychology of mindfulness

  • How to perform fundamental mindfulness practices and exercises.   

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Week 2: Reducing Stress, Anxiety and Illness

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), chronic stress is not only uncomfortable and unpleasant, it is the most serious health epidemic of the new century. This module explores the physical and neural impact of toxic stress, anxiety and illness - and the mindfulness strategies that reduce and reverse them. 

You will learn:

  • The danger and sources of chronic stress

  • How mindfulness physically reduces stress, anxiety and worry

  • Mindfulness practices that strengthen calm, patience and wellbeing

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Week 3: Developing Positivity and a Growth Mindset

Brilliant customer service starts with a positive worldview — and a mindset open to growth, adaptation and improvement. This module introduces practices that literally change the structure and function of the brain — by replacing our evolutionary negative default with circuits that drive positive motivation, engagement and fulfillment.

You will learn:

  • The sources and science of information overload, digital distraction and attention deficit  

  • How mindfulness can be applied to suppress distraction, and increase focus

  • Mindfulness practices that strengthen our abilities to direct and sustain attention

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Week 4:  Developing Self and Situational Awareness

An understanding of ourselves — the people around us — and how those people perceive us, are fundamental building blocks for social and emotional intelligence. Mindfulness gives us the objective insight to understand our own feelings and emotions, while consciously navigating our environment.

You will learn:

  • Why self-awareness is a critical trait for customer service 

  • How mindfulness can help us navigate successfully from the known and familiar, to an uncertain future state

  • Mindfulness practices that help us accept the inevitability of uncertainty, and to embrace change with an open and curious mind

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Week 5: Strengthening Empathy, Kindness and Compassion 

Remarkable service springs from a visceral understanding of our customer’s challenges and emotional state. This sense of empathy, along with feelings of care and compassion, aren’t intellectual attributes. They are states and traits that can only be developed from within, through insight and neural training. 

You will learn:

  • The fundamentals of self awareness and authenticity

  • How to apply mindfulness to strengthen personal ethics, integrity and trustworthiness  

  • Mindfulness practices to develop the traits that inspire trust, confidence and loyalty

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Week 6: Developing Patience and Emotional Control 

Service requires calm and patience, often in the face of frustratingly difficult circumstances. This module examines mindfulness and metacognition — the human capability to “think about what we’re thinking about” — and the skill to examine our thoughts and emotions as they arise, and choose the most strategic response to them. 

You will learn:

  • The framework and competencies that comprise social and emotional intelligence

  • How to use mindfulness to strengthen self-and-social-awareness, empathy and communication 

  • Mindfulness practices for care, kindness and compassionate behaviors

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Week 7: Deep and Intuitive Communication 

Listening deeply and consciously — while paying close attention to aural tone, non-verbal cues and body language — are essential service skills. This module includes mindfulness practices that strengthen our ability to consciously listen, accurately understand, and respond with kindness and compassion. 

You will learn:

  •  How to connect closely and cooperatively with others 

  • How to conduct an articulate and productive dialogue

  • Mindfulness practices that increase intuition, rapport and influence with prospects and clients

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Week 8: Creativity and Problem Solving

Mindfulness improves cognitive performance, which enables greater creativity and complex problem solving — This module provides mindfulness strategies for working with customers to find the right answers, with empathy, patience and poise. 

You will learn:

  • The principles of energy management   

  • How mindfulness connects us to stress and the state of flow

  • Mindfulness practices for mental toughness, grit and resilience

Attentive Therapist

"Mindfulness is a state of moment-to-moment experience that produces intense attention regulation, emotional regulation, and body awareness. The deeper these outcomes, the higher the score for flow — in challenge, skill balance, goal clarity, sense of control, and loss of self-consciousness"


Chen, Tsai, Lin, National Institutes of Health, 2018

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