The Most Important Skills
How can a leader inspire, motivate and mobilize others, if they’re struggling with exhaustion and burnout? How can anyone operate at peak performance when they’re overwhelmed with stress? The mental and emotional skills to overcome information overload - resolve anxiety - overcome distraction and attention deficit - navigate volatile and unrelenting change - create inclusivity - communicate and collaborate effectively in teams - and work productively in hybrid and remote environments… These are the most critical capabilities for our leaders and workforce today.
The Most Effective
Way to Help
A prolonged perfect storm of pandemic fears and social unrest have produced a population filled with chronic anxiety, exhaustion, burnout and trauma. In fact, 79% of adults surveyed in 2022 self-reported feeling more stress than ever before, with over 60% showing symptoms of burnout and complex trauma. We know our people need help - we want to help - but solutions have been hard to find, difficult to apply, and often too costly to apply enterprise-wide. Adding a therapy hotline and meditation app to your company benefits are a step forward, but they’re not going to move the needle, any more than soft seating or a gym membership have in the past.
The most effective way to help is through rigorous training in mental and emotional skills that have been confirmed by science over the past 2 decades. Just as we train our people to write code, plan a marketing campaign, or sell a product - so should we train them to manage their stress, to focus and sustain concentration, and to build positive relationships at work. These are not only solutions for personal wellbeing and performance - they are precisely the human capabilities that enable them to excel in their functional roles.
Consistency, Scaleability and Cost
But how can your organization manage and afford to offer mindfulness training across hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of desktops? How can you ensure that your people are being consistently trained, in effective methods, with measurable outcomes? How can you ensure that they’re being taught proven brain science and biology, not someone’s personal beliefs? How can you ensure that you’re investing in durable and sustainable knowledge, not just disconnected, one-off, feel-good sessions? And how can you afford to scale a program, in the face of costly classes, coaching and support services?
The answer is to bring it in-house. Teaching science-based mindfulness doesn’t require deep training in meditation or wisdom practices. It requires a working knowledge of the brain and body, an understanding of how the different modalities of mindfulness work, how they variously affect us - and how they can be practiced and applied. Our programs are designed to help champions in the workforce, experienced mindfulness practitioners, and members of your own training team, become highly effective mindfulness facilitators and teachers. Our Train-the-Trainer objectives are to enable you to bring this foundational knowledge to as many people, as simply and cost-effectively, as possible.
A Turnkey Curriculum
and Tools
IOSM Train-the-Trainer programs are designed to work independently, or with a turnkey curriculum of Organizational Mindfulness certificate courses and performance classes. The Organizational Mindfulness Program is an entirely new category of mindfulness practice, designed from the ground up to teach mental and emotional skills that drive individual and organizational performance. You can license any or all teaching content, along with unlimited access to IOSM research, information, learning events and tools, at just pennies-per-desktop.
Program Overview
The Benchmark Course, with Facilitator and Teacher Certifications

The Organizational Mindfulness (OM) Program
Organizational Mindfulness was created to provide a standard for teaching mental and emotional skills as important professional capabilities. It incorporates traditional principles and practices mindfulness, with the the most current research in neuroscience, biology, psychology and medicine - the last decade of studies in leadership and organizational development - and lessons-learned by high-performing, early-adopting market leading organizations.
This is the benchmark corporate course, and accompanying facilitator and teacher certification. Our Train-the-Trainer program includes a license to teach the course internally, along with the full set of teaching materials, learning resources and support.

I. Organizational Mindfulness Certificate
The Organizational Mindfulness Certificate is a comprehensive, 8-week course in all-science, performance-focused mindfulness - applied to strengthen business competencies and solve business problems. It teaches mental and emotional skills for wellbeing, stress management, motivation and engagement, focus and attention control, adaptability and resilience, emotional intelligence, acceptance and inclusion, conflict management, effective communication, and relationships.
The course is entirely modular, and any module can be taught as an individual class, or a series of classes. Each module is supported by a dedicated self-study learning portal, filled with additional information and links, for a deeper dive into the topic - and the course can be modified or augmented with any practice class in our library.

II. Organizational Mindfulness Facilitator
The Organizational Mindfulness Facilitator Certification is an intensive, 4-week program for successful graduates of the Organizational Mindfulness Certificate course. It teaches formal facilitation skills for organizing and leading mindfulness programs for co-workers, teams, and the enterprise. These include planning and organizing programs, introducing core principles and practices, leading meditation and enquiry sessions, and coaching. To learn more about the course, please go here.

III. Organizational Mindfulness Teacher
The Organizational Mindfulness Teacher Certification is a 4-week follow-on to the Facilitator Certification. It offers a deeper dive into the science, and application of mindfulness - and certifies participants to teach the branded Organizational Mindfulness Certificate course. To learn more about the course, please go here.
The full Train-the-Trainer program is 16 weeks back-to-back - and provides the subject matter expertise, hands-on facilitation skills, and the context, to effectively teach the Organizational Mindfulness Course across the organization.

IV. License and Training Materials
The program includes an unlimited license to teach Organizational Mindfulness within the company - and a full set of (white label-able) training materials that include instructor’s guides, links to specific research throughout, class slides and handouts - and unlimited access to our fully-featured self-study portal. To learn more about licensing and customizing classes, courses and certifications, please go here.

“Focus, clarity, creativity, compassion, and courage. These are the qualities of the mindful leaders I have worked with, taught, mentored, and interviewed. They give today’s best leaders the resilience to cope with challenges, and the resolve to sustain long-term success.”
William George, Senior Fellow, Harvard Business School,
Former CEO, Medtronic