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Alain de Botton on Emotional Education


Alain de Botton




Emotional Education is at the core of what we need to lead a fulfilled life - and is what The School of Life teaches online and in physical branches around the world. In this film, founder of The School, Alain de Botton discusses what emotional education is - and why we so badly need it.


Well. Thank you. Thank you very much for coming to a talk which has a really strange sounding title, emotional education. We're very used to the idea that we need to get educated in certain sorts of skills, maths, Latin, geography, physics, Accountancy. But the notion that we need to be educated in our emotional functioning is very peculiar.

Surely we know about our emotions, our capacities to love and to hate, to feel anxious and to feel calm, to direct our lives as we would wish. Surely we know all that stuff. We don't need an education in the pursuit of a fulfilled, emotional life. But let me ask you just a question to see if we can just prove that.

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