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Autism and mindfulness


CAMH Professionals Videos




Alongside Yona Lunsky (Director of the Azrieli Adult Neurodevelopmental Centre, caregiver, & mindfulness researcher), caregivers will explore: What is the concept of mindfulness & what it is not , Things to consider about mindfulness - programs


So why an unlearn on mindfulness? Well, when three of the caregiver facilitators on this unlearn started chatting with each other, which we very frequently do, we discovered that mindfulness came up as a common thread. What we all had in common with that mindfulness had been suggested as something that we might benefit from, but we also discovered that we all had different ideas about what that meant, what we needed, how to do it, when to do it. We wondered whether it was a solution.

Was it a therapy? Was it guided? Was it facilitated? And it was this light bulb moment when we recognized that all of us perceived it very, very differently, and we wanted to explore the that yet the more we explored and the more in depth we got, the more confused we became, and the less clarity we had. We realized that we really needed to start unlearning, which, of course, we know involved learning. So that was a little information about Nathan, Aideen and myself, and now I'm going to turn it over to Yona and Teresa to introduce themselves.

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