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Dopamine Addiction is a Myth - What the Science Says


Dr. Sabine Hossenfelder




I recently learned there’s a new trend on social media: monk mode. It means cutting out distractions and going into self-isolation to become more productive. It’s supposedly based on science and  particularly concerned with avoiding social media, because that’s addictive. But can social media really be addictive? Does the monk mode work? And what’s the science behind it? In this video, we'll sort it out.


I recently learned there's a new trend on social media, Monk mode. First time I heard of this, I thought it means you pull it over your face and start brewing beer in the basement. But not so. Monk mode, it turns out, means cutting out distractions and going into self isolation to become more productive. It's supposedly based on science, and particularly concerned with avoiding social media, because that's addictive, and addictions are not good.

But can social media really be addictive? Does the monk mode work and what's the science behind it? That's what we'll talk about today. First things first. What is monk mode?

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