How To Tell If You're On The Autism Spectrum
Autism From The Inside
Want to know if you're autistic or not? What is autism anyway? These common experiences will help you get beneath what it means to be on the spectrum and figure out whether or not it applies to you.
That was the trigger point for me when I saw what autism looked like in real life, not just this medical definition, suddenly it was something that I could immensely relate to when you've spent your whole life not being believed. To finally find people and a community that do believe you and do say crazy things, like, I understand it's absolutely life changing to have that validated and to find out other people have had this experience as well.
Hi everyone. Welcome back to Asperger's from the inside, you're here with Paul. So today's video topic is, are you undiagnosed autistic? How to tell if you're on the autism spectrum. So this is part two in this three part series for this month's patrons choice topic. So if you haven't seen last week's video on the AQ test, the online autism quotient test, then you may want to check that out as well.