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Feedback Loops Create Consciousness

Dr. Michio Kaku

When it comes to consciousness, Kaku believes different species have different levels of consciousness, based on their feedback loops needed to survive in space, society, and time.According to the theoretical physicist, human beings' ability to use past experiences, memories, to predict the future makes us distinct among animals — and even robots (they're currently unable to understand, or operate within, a social hierarchy).

Final Thoughts on Free Will

Dr. Sam Harris

In this episode of the podcast, Sam Harris presents his full argument on the illusoriness of free will — and explores its ethical and psychological implications.

Finding Focus and Fighting Distraction

Gloria Mark, Talks at Google

Psychologist Dr. Gloria Mark discusses her book “Attention Span: The New Science of Finding Focus and Fighting Distraction in the Digital Age,” a study on how technology use affects people.

Finding Purpose in the Crisis

Joshua Freedman

Drawing on the neuroscience of anxiety, how do we respond the complexity and suffering of this challenge in a way that aligns to our own sense of purpose?

Finding Your Way

Sharon Salzberg, Talks at Google

Author and world-renowned meditation expert Sharon Salzberg discusses her book Finding Your Way: Meditations, Thoughts, and Wisdom for Living an Authentic Life, a guide to finding a sense of calm and hope and reducing stress in small bites—without feeling obligated to engage in a spiritual routine.

Finding the Space to Lead

Janice Marturano

Talk by Janice Marturano, Institute for Mindful Leadership, at Wisdom 2.0 Business 2013.

Finding the Time

Andy Puddicombe

Andy Puddicombe's talk on "Finding the Time" delves into the struggle of incorporating meditation into our daily routines. By encouraging us to prioritize just 10 minutes for meditation, Puddicombe underscores the profound benefits of this practice in fostering mental clarity and inner peace amidst life's busyness.

First Why and Then Trust

Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek (@simonsinek) created a simple model, The Golden Circle, that codifies what makes the most inspiring people and organizations so successful and influential. Beginning as a student in anthropology, Simon Sinek turned his fascination with people into a career of convincing people to do what inspires them. Through his struggle to rediscover his excitement about life and work, he made some profound realizations and began helping his friends and their friends to find their "why" — at first charging just $100, person by person. Never planning to write a book, he penned Start With Why simply as a way to distribute his message. With a bold goal to help build a world in which the vast majority of people go home everyday feeling fulfilled by their work, Sinek is leading a movement to inspire people to do the things that inspire them.

Five Ways to Improve Your Breathing

James Nestor

James Nestor believes we're all breathing wrong. Here he breaks down 5 ways to transform your breathing, from increasing your lung capacity to stopping breathing through your mouth.

Flourishing in a New Normal

Steven Campbell

A "blinding flash of the obvious" will be striking The Commonwealth Club. And why do we need it now, so badly? Because, the “new normal” has imprinted itself, on the world, and most people do not know how to adapt successfully. 

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IOSM Video Directory

IOSM and hand-curated videos on the science, practice, and application of neural training

to scale personal and organizational performance.

Science of Mindfulness

Leadership Development

Integrity and Trustworthiness

Personal Development

Mindset, Motivation, and Worldview

Practice of Mindfulness

Organizational Mindfulness

Organizational Development

Workplace Challenges

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