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Flow: The Science Behind Deep Focus
Brain Facts
Athletes often describe being “in the zone” when doing their sport. This is known as the flow state: You’re completely focused on the task at hand, all other worries disappear, you work with confidence, and you enjoy what you’re doing. Studies are revealing how chemicals in the brain affect specific brain regions to allow for this state of intense focus and gratification.
Focus Methods in Mindfulness
Shinzen Young
Shinzen shares that the mindfulness meditation being taught by various teachers can be broken down to the focus methods of free-floating, inventory, and even coverage. He then talks about the advantages and disadvantages of each, how one might decide to use each of these mindfulness strategies, and how these methods relate to the "five ways". Filmed at a group process in Jan. 2010 at the Mary and Joseph Retreat Center in Rancho Palos Verdes, C.A.
Focus and Attention
Dr. Daniel Goleman
Psychologist Daniel Goleman shot to fame with his groundbreaking bestseller Emotional Intelligence. Raw intelligence alone is not a sure predictor of success in life. A greater role is played by 'softer' skills such as self-control, self-motivation, empathy and good interpersonal relationships.
Potential Project
Potential Project's session on "Goals" highlights how mindfulness can lead to clearer goal setting and improved focus. By understanding the brain's dynamics and utilizing mindfulness techniques, individuals can overcome distractions and work towards achieving their objectives with greater clarity and purpose.
IOSM Video Directory
IOSM and hand-curated videos on the science, practice, and application of neural training
to scale personal and organizational performance.