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Anxiety Is the School of Greatness
Claire Regina Fox
Claire Regina Fox discusses Kierkegaard's concept of anxiety as a dual-faced phenomenon, which can either ruin or guide one's life. She emphasizes the importance of facing anxiety head-on and using it as a tool for self-creation and personal development, rather than hiding behind excuses.
Anxiety and Meditation
Dr. Sam Harris
In this discussion, Dr. Sam Harris explores the causes of anxiety and potential coping mechanisms. He highlights the role of cognitive behavioral therapy, which involves exposing oneself to anxiety triggers in manageable ways, and suggests that mindfulness and meditation can aid in this process.
Anxiety, Fear, and the Brain
Arguments Over Consciousness in the Age of AI
Attentional Blindness
Authentic Leadership: Discover True North
Bill George
What are the characteristics of innovation leaders? Bill George argues that to remain innovative, leaders need to adopt an empowering rather than hierarchical approach. During this talk at Google, Bill talks about why leadership matters, why leaders fail, and the missing element in many organizations: innovation leaders.
IOSM Video Directory
IOSM and hand-curated videos on the science, practice, and application of neural training
to scale personal and organizational performance.